Tag Archives: writing rates

Setting Your Writing Price Doesn't Always Represent Your Writing's Worth

Some writers have it tough trying break out of the persona of the starving artist. Another issue many writers face is dealing with the fact that other writers in different niches or focus areas might raise an eyebrow when the subject of money comes up. If you ever want to see virtual sparks fly, be a lurker in a writer’s online forum or group when people start debating money. Some writers judge other colleagues very harshly when the subject of how much to charge for written work comes up.

How much money can you earn by writing?

There are copywriters that can can command over $5,000 for a 1,000 word online sales letter that they can write in a few days. Some how-to e-books can earn a writer thousands in sales each month. There are magazine writers that can spend months toiling over a story that will net them $1,000.00. There are web writers that work 50 hours a week writing website content articles that earns them $500.00.

They’re all writers and they all deserve respect for their dedication to their jobs. For some it’s a craft or a labour of love and for others it provides a different need that might be slightly less of an emotional connection.

Of course there is an argument that writers should keep their rates high so that the industry doesn’t suffer as a whole and there are others who claim that the $3.00 articles they write puts food on the table for their family. Who’s right? They’re probably both right because writing is such a personal thing and it can fill not only a monetary need but an emotional need as well. When we hold something so dear to our hearts,  we can feel very passionate and opinionated about it.

Some writers pour their heart and soul into their pages for their own eyes only and are never ever published but still feel their arm hairs rise when they read their own work and so they  get immense pleasure from writing. Others write fiction novels or write for magazines, television or movies or brochures or text books. Others write poetry for their true love.

Some writers can crank out words that means nothing to them but are symbiotic in that those words help pay their mortgage, put braces on their kids’ teeth and can help their clients earn a fortune.

Determining Your Own Self Worth

Setting a price for a piece of writing doesn’t represent your worth as a writer in terms of dollars and cents so regardless of what you are told others earn in contrast to you, love what you do and feel good about calling yourself a writer.  Most of all, embrace  evolvution as a writer and a human being. Enjoy what you do and be proud of what goes out whether it was ghostwritten or has your name on it.

Most of all, don’t make apologies for the money you earn or the lack of money you’ve made so far because what you are doing is you’re choosing to make a career of (or dabble in) something that you love as an ongoing journey that only you can take.