Tag Archives: shaman

Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind

Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind is the telling of two quests. Rosalie, a self-destructive woman, is summoned into the spirit world where she must develop the will to battle the greatest of all foes, herself, a battle she is destined to lose if not for the aid of the shaman, Soaring Eagle. Soaring Eagle, engaged in an endless quest to serve his people, sees Rosalie’s plight in a vision, and propels himself into the spirit world to retrieve her soul.

The following is an excerpt to enable a greater understanding of this truely unique story.


‘Soaring Eagle, Spirit of the Wind’ is a unique blend of ancient shamanism and New Age spirituality. The characters set forth in this story are designed to stir emotions, convey meaning that transcends the printed word, and enlighten the reader through a deeper understanding of humankind.

In this story the world of the shaman is seen through the eyes of the character Soaring Eagle. He displays great reverence for god and nature, and as with all accomplished shamans, passes freely between the physical and spiritual realms.

In his world aid is received through spirit guides who often take the form of plants or animals. The guides convey their messages through action or speech, assist in navigating within the spirit realm, and provide protection from malevolent forces.

In his world illness is defined as soul loss; a division of spirit that in modern doctrines has little meaning, yet is proven time after time to be the precursor to disease.

Illness, as defined here, is illustrated through the character Rosalie. In her youth, Rosalie’s parents were lost to a tragic accident. Unbeknownst to her, her soul divided into three parts; a guilt ridden present, an inner child, and a dark unbridled self that is the source of Rosalie’s pain and addictive behaviors. Summoned into the spirit world she is thrust amid forces seeking her destruction, and it soon becomes apparent the world in which she finds herself is very real.

Alison, Rosalie’s friend, fills the role of loyal companion, and though unable to fully understand the shaman’s task, is resigned to assist.

The word shaman (pronounced SHAH-maan), is taken from the language of the Tungus people of Siberia, and refers to a healer, magician, or seer. However, not all healers, magicians, or seers are shamans. Specifically, a shaman enters a state of trance where his soul leaves his body and journeys to the spirit world on behalf of another. When a shaman says he talks to spirits, heals maladies or retrieves lost and disoriented souls, he is speaking in literal terms.

The spirit world is divided into three levels referred to as the lower, middle and upper worlds. The middle world separates the lower and upper worlds which are accessible only through portals.

The portal, or threshold, to the lower world is represented by a break in the earth’s surface such as a cave, hollow tree, or deep hole. This crossing should not be interpreted as descending into a netherworld for it marks only the boundary between the two worlds. By journeying to the lower world the shaman is merely leaving one aspect of the spirit world and entering another.

The threshold to the upper world differs greatly. As the shaman stands upon the ground of the middle world and looks upward he beholds the heavens. Therefore, in journeying to the upper world it is necessary to transition between human form and that which is more suitable for ascension. Through fire the shaman’s spiritual body is reduced to smoke and is carried to the upper threshold, the spiritual boundary of the earth. On the return journey he must once again pass through the fire and transition back into human form. This change should not be likened to death and resurrection; it is merely a method of ‘mobility’ between worlds.

‘Divination’, ‘Sage’, and ‘Extraction’ are chapters representative of three of my own shamanic journeys that have been woven into the plot for effect and originality.

‘Divination’ takes place in the lower world and illustrates how spirits can communicate meaning. When a shaman journeys on behalf of another, he often sees the subject as viewed by the spirits which in some cases differs greatly from physical appearances. In this chapter Rosalie is seen in her spiritual and emotional states, and for the first time to anyone other than she, a face is given to the force that seeks her undoing.

‘Sage’ takes place in the upper world and illustrates another way spirit and shaman communicate. Often the appearance of the spirit guide is symbolic, at least in part, to the knowledge received. In this chapter Sage is a trusted guide whose wisdom is unquestioned.

‘Extraction’ takes place in the lower world and the chapter is so named for the type of healing it describes. In extraction healing disease is removed directly from the body and is generally in the form of a deep festering wound. In no way does the healing scene in this chapter imply violence of any kind. The healing is performed on a spiritual plane and should not be attempted in the physical ‘here and now’.

Shamanism has enabled me to attain a greater knowledge of self through a deeper understanding of the unseen realms. I have come to know that the spirit world is as viable as the world in which we live, for each complements the other. My philosophy of god and creation is illustrated through a reverence toward nature, the divine feminine, and all things spiritual.

H. J. Courtright


Alison strikes the tanned hide sending forth into the night a continuous chant of notes, haunting and all consuming, in time to the pulse of Mother Earth. Flames surging higher feasting upon a modest gathering of wood play harmony to the unrelenting beat. Ancient primordial powers rise enrapturing the darkness, patron spirits guard circle’s edge in defense of roaming specters, creatures of the night fall silent.

Soaring Eagle rises unrestrained from the confines of his flesh. Imperceptible ripples borne of resounding drumbeats shimmer rich defined muscles of his ethereal body. Strength and courage of mythic dimension far exceed tangible existence; yet, he kneels in reverence to those who safeguard his journey.

A leather pouch, secured by a narrow girdle of cloth, sways lightly against his naked groin, and so too, an athame’ blade. Soft leather, items to aid and protect; cold steel, blade of the knife of healing; the only tools of his craft he is allowed to carry.

A hollowed tree appears from the celestial unknown. In single stride he confronts the entrance to the Lower World, and bounding forward plunges headlong into abysmal darkness.

Amid unbridled descent, he withdraws Faerie from the shallow depths of the leather pouch. Released of her protective hold the fanciful sprite takes lead in the blinding procession smothering blackness in golden light. Emerging tunnel ribs softly coalesce as the will of Soaring Eagle propels them deeper into celestial domains until the passage gives birth to familiar travelers.

The Tree of Strength, in tenuous hold upon a grassy ledge, looms above a cool blanket of spring. Soaring Eagle inhales air thick in the aroma of blossoms and nectar, and gently touches the monolith of power. A great light passes through him, as Earth, in Her greatest of blessings, courses renewed potency into the blood of his spirit. The brilliance fades leaving behind the might bestowed unto him.

He extends his palm to Faerie now dimmed through the use of her guiding light. Inviting the touch of ethereal flesh her glow enhances to beaming radiance as a portion of his power carries unto her. Her light turns golden, throbbing to the beat of the drum, and examining the exquisite simplicity of the frail spirit, Soaring Eagle returns her to within the shield of hide.

Beyond the ledge of burgeoning spring and perpetual strength is the Bastian of Truth, the place where spirits reside. Where paradox begins and ends; where ethereal land and sky expand to the horizon becoming one in golden embrace; where the end can never be reached, yet, touched in a single thought.

“Wolf, Eyes of the Forest, greatest of all pathfinders,” he summons, “I, Soaring Eagle, require aid in a matter most urgent,” and the guardian spirit arises from unfathomable obscurity.

“Wolf,” the shaman explains, “I am in service of one named Rosalie, show me the root of her distress,” and touching the spirit, ethereal bodies bond in celestial marriage.

Commanded through purpose, Wolf bounds the grassy ledge into depths of perpetual night onto the paradoxical path. Behind, a subtle touch of spirit fur and gentle pull of the hand are for Soaring Eagle, his only measure of guidance.

The intangible trail ends, elusive bond between shaman and spirit dissolves, the abysmal cloak falls away, and Soaring Eagle stands naked before three doors of divination.

The first door opens, and the cold breeze of Death wafts toward him in soft fragrant currents. He crosses the threshold.

Pale illuminations expose the Rosalie of spirit, eyes veiled in a shroud of cataract. Encased within a womb of flesh, she is as in birth; blind, naked, untouched by all save She who will bear her. Feeble, weak, she huddles for maternal embrace and finds naught. Ridden in pain, she whimpers; consumed in fear, she trembles; death is imminent, birth into the arms of Great Mother draws near.

Soaring Eagle withdraws; the first door shudders closed; the next opens.

He stares across a threshold coloured in vibrant shades of autumn sunset. Clouds turn, twist, undulate and warp in perverse upheaval and the depraved mixture pulls forth. Long feminine fingers scratch his flesh in raspy strokes. He retreats a step and abruptly the delicate hand finds purchase in a vehement grasp. Immersed in a maelstrom of love and hate, prayers of release and resolution, screams of salvation and mercy, he struggles; and defenseless of the tainted emotions, is drawn toward the turbulent source.

In a single leap Wolf is propelled between healer and fervent unrest. Fingers of deathly grasp shudder, release their captive, and retreat. The second door closes in a resounding thud.

Soaring Eagle, declaring his indebtedness to Wolf, releases a troubled sigh. The next door opens and the abysmal darkness of the other side pulls light through the fresh opening.

A sharp illumination ignites the center of the blackness as Soaring Eagle places his first guarded step across the threshold. He stares into the harsh light as it descends along dimensions of sultry curves and subtle hollows of feminine form, making clear, the role of creator, to her, remains unclaimed. She watches as he carefully stalks the room’s inner boundary.

Scant traces of fabric enhance her womanly features, and Soaring Eagle, intrigued by the contrast of malevolence and beauty is cautious not to lower his guard. The enchantress turns, impaling the shaman with her maniacal stare, as a whip, attached by a thin strap about her middle, is released from its hold in a single slip of the finger.

She lashes out with the implement and Soaring Eagle dodges the attempt to maim and entangle leaving the angry snap in his wake. As she lashes out once more he evades the crippling strike and exits the room.

“Wolf, it is time,” he announces, and in a single breath they traverse the vastness.

Soaring Eagle stands beside the Tree of Strength. Placing his palm to its bark he is shrouded in resplendent brilliance. Reduced to a creature of light, he and Tree become one. Veins and arteries extract strength from Mother Earth, for all who ask shall receive; the adverse forces imbedding their ills upon him drain away to be cleansed, for all returning unto Her are reborne. The metamorphosis complete, he is recast unto his likeness.

Drumbeats hasten. Bidding farewell to Wolf, he removes Faerie from her protective place, and is ushered to the physical world by the guidance of her golden light.