Tag Archives: Eternity


i feel her presence.
i know we shall meet again, very soon.
what stories will her sweet lips tell?
she is just out there,
the beating of drums reverberate
in everything i touch.
for the past two nights
i had dreams about her.

there’s drizzle like before, all the more
anticipation and fear are awakened in me;
as flowers begin to explode with her colors.
again, faces vibrate in space,
and secret signs repose in perfect stillness.
her scent is in the air.
what will be her lyrics, this time?

for the past twenty years
i have already acquainted
myself with the dangers surrounding the Muse.
she knows the exact time
in Eternity, the precise moment for the ambush.
traces of her touch linger;
music deepens in corners
where newly born winds
give names to ancient trees.

Copyright (C) 2008, Edwin M. Cordevilla