Tag Archives: book signings

The Ghostwriter's Booksigning

I went to a book signing for a book I wrote the other night–only another person, a kind doctor, signed the books.  The cover of the book features his smiling face and this same image graces the posters that were propped all around the store.

But it would be impossible for you to find even the merest mention of my name anywhere near the book.  Why? Because I ghostwrote it.

Allow me to define ghostwriting for those of you who may still be confused about it (in my travels I find many who are).  A ghostwriter (moi) writes a book for someone else and that other person’s name appears on the book.  If I’m very lucky, the “author” might thank me in the acknowledgments.  On some occasions, ghostwriters get a “with” byline.  As in “Stupid Worthless Memoir by Famous Vacuous Star with Ghostwriter.”

But most of us ghostwriters get nada but a paycheck.  Which is why we do it, of course, because ghostwriting can be among the most lucrative of writing assignments.  You are writing a whole book, after all, not just an article or series of articles for a website.  You are expected to know how to take bunches of information, perhaps some interviews, and vague thoughts and organize them into a readable, informative book.

A great number of business and self-help books are ghostwritten.  Ditto with celebrity biographies and so-called novels.  (You really think Nicole Richie has ever read a novel, let alone written one?)  Rumor has it that some popular mystery series are actually ghostwritten and many readers believe that some of the most prolific romance writers employ ghostwriters to help them churn out the novels.

I can’t verify those rumors, though I suspect they may be true.   I also suspect that many novelists have learned their craft churning out books under the name of a best-selling author.  But I think I prefer to stick to non-fiction.

To my way of thinking, non-fiction ghostwriting projects suit me just fine.  I enjoy learning about different subjects and getting into the mind of the person who I’m writing as.

Last week was the first time I’d ever actually experienced a booksigning where the “author” of the book was signing what I wrote.

I had a blast, met a lot of nice people and reconnected with the folks who hired me.  The thing is, I don’t feel the emotional connection to the book that I would with, say, my novel.  And while I’m proud of the finished product, I’m not so invested in it that I can’t let it go.

We’ll be starting the next book in the series soon and I’m looking forward to attending future book signings.  I wish I could give the book some publicity and send you to the website, but alas, then it wouldn’t be ghostwritten anymore, would it?  (And let me tell you, the whole ghostwriting thing wreaks havoc on the old resume, since I can’t really blatantly list all the books I’ve written.)

Fun as this book signing was, I look forward to the day when I’ll be signing my own novel at a book signing!

Why I Write by Rebecca Lerwill

Dear friends, bec_sh1.jpg

If you are a writer, you have probably found yourself being asked “Why do you write?”
If you are a reader, you probably have asked someone before “Why do you write?”
I have been asked that question and usually could just raise my shoulders and say “I don’t know; pleasure, compulsiveness, wanting to entertain, because I always have a story to tell…” Things of that nature.
Well, that has changed since I experienced the following situation:

I had been invited to be part of a local author’s reception. Four other Utah writers and me met at the beautiful Barnes and Nobles in Sugarhouse/ Salt Lake City to read, speak and sign our work. The staff at B&N really outdid themselves to make us feel welcome. In the café area a curtain was draped to offer a stage like feel. There was plenty of room for the audience who enjoyed the very large selection of hot or iced beverages while reading or being wrapped up in conversation with friends. Right from the start, the atmosphere was very relaxing and fun.

For the signing, five tables had been set up for us authors, with plenty of distance between them so we wouldn’t have to talk over each other while visiting. For every one of us was a 30 minute time window scheduled to go ‘on stage’ and speak, read and answer questions.
I was fourth in line and when it was time for me to speak, I gathered a copy of my novel, a few notes I made previously and a little booklet of my composed poems. I was greeted by a few friends and of course, strangers as well. The previous author had had a great time, so everyone looked at me with anticipation. I took a seat, introduced myself and talked for a little while about my life and my book.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a young man being deeply involved reading. He sat at the outside of the café area and didn’t pay any attention to anyone around him, including myself. Everyone else seemed to be interested in my story, the poems I cited or when I began reading ‘Relocating Mia.’

When I read to an audience I like to look up after every few lines and have a quick eye contact, especially when something more dramatic happens in the plot. I was about half way through my first chapter, when I noticed that the young man was not reading anymore. He sat back, relaxed and after a few moments was focused on me. By the time my 30 minutes were coming to an end I had read three chapters and ended my time with a synopsis in my own words and a few quick questions from the audience. As I was gathering my papers, to make place for the next author, I noticed that the young man had left. I wondered to myself, if he went on to find a quiet spot to read his book but as I went back to my table, he was already waiting for me there.

He had picked up a copy of ‘Mia’ and was reading a random page. “So you are intrigued,” I greeted him. He nodded and said that he very rarely reads fiction, and if he does it was certainly nothing with romance. ‘Girl stuff’ he called it to my amusement. “But when you mentioned the ex- KGB agents and a hunt through Russia, you had my attention,” he went on.

So we talked for a little while, I signed my book to him and offered a copy of my poems which he greatly appreciated. When it was time for him to leave he said that he was really excited to get home and start reading my book where I had left off.

His exact words were: “It’s gonna be a long night.”

To be able to get a response like this from someone who usually doesn’t read my genre and knowing he will be entertained, my friends, is the reason why I write.

Rebecca Lerwill