Tag Archives: 9-11

The Phantom Dog and Horse

Below is a short story that does not appear in my book Hidden Secrets of “Many, But One”( A true book of ghosts, haunting, paranormal contacts and encoded messages of 9-11 written and copyrighted before 9-11) . It is true and one of the truly milder paranormal events that took place in my childhood. Please see more of the book at www.drryles.com

The Phantom Dog and Horse


Donald Ryles PhD, CH

Growing up in the South U.S. 30+ years ago I, like most all kids of that time and place, had a swing in the yard. The one I had was not a metal swingset, but was a true old rope swing hung from a tree branch.
I spent a lot of time playing on that old swing and in the field behind our house which had once been a horse pasture many years before we had moved there.
When I was about 11 years old I had just discovered my love for music and since it was Summer and I didn’t have to get up for school I was allowed to stay out until well after dark, as long as I stayed close to the house. Many nights I would be on that swing until well into the night listening to my small transistor radio, as long as I kept it low. It was just me, the music, and a soft light from a distant streetlight.
One night about 10 PM I suddenly had the strange feeling that something was behind me looking at me. Staring at me. I stopped swinging and looked back to see a beautiful large white dog with big dark eyes. He just stood motionless, no barking, no growling, no tail wagging, just strangely motionless. Not having a dog at that time but always having a love for dogs I wanted to pet him. I turned around for only a second to get up and when I looked back he had vanished . I didn’t hear him leave, but I thought he must have ran away. I didn’t think much about it and went back to swinging.
The very next night, at about 10 PM, he appeared again. This time though it sounded like he had ran up behind me quickly. I looked back and once again saw him just as before motionless looking at me with his big dark eyes. This time for some reason I had a slightly different feeling than before. I still wanted to pet him but for some reason at the same time felt slightly uncomfortable. Like for some unknown reason something wasn’t quite right. I slowly got up to walk to him and he ran behind my fathers car and into the field behind our house. I was only a few feet away from him but when I got behind the car once again it was as if he just vanished.
The third and last time he appeared was about a day or 2 later. He appeared just as before , but this time with a chilling difference. Once again it sounded like he had ran up behind me and once again I turned to see him looking at me . This time though I could see smoke coming out of his mouth and nose. The kind you see when it is a very cold Winters day and you breath outside. It was Summer though and by far too hot for that. His big dark eyes locked with mine as he stared directly at me and raggedly breathed the smoke for 10-15 seconds, like he had been running hard.Suddenly he turned and ran into the field. I did not try to follow him this night into the darkness . It was as if something told me not to. I quickly got up and went into the house for the night.
I never saw him again after that night and never saw him in the neighborhood, which I knew quite well. Especially which neighbors had dogs. I was a little scared and puzzled, but being a kid quickly forgot about it.
I didn’t think of it again until what happened with my father a few years later.
It was a Summer evening just before Sunset when my father looked out his bedroom window and came running through the house yelling to me to come and help him. I asked what was wrong and he said there was a horse in the field behind our house and he needed me to help him catch it or make it leave before it destroyed his garden. We both ran outside and into the field to see nothing wrong. No horse and everything was normal. I asked him exactly what he had seen and he said he had seen a huge white horse running through the field as fast as he could, like he was scared. He said the horse had ran through his garden 2-3 times and he was sure it had been completely trampled .
We looked at the small garden, which was in the corner of the field ,beside the old pasture fence . Tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell peppers, etc. about a 15 by 15 foot area. Nothing was out of place. I asked him once again if he was sure the horse had ran through the garden and he assured me that he had. He had ” Ran through it 2 or 3 times in a panic” he repeated to me again . We both looked even closer around the pasture and at the dirt in the garden, which was still soft from being watered only a few hours before, and couldn’t even see a single hoof print or any sign that anything had been in the pasture at all.
As we stood there, both puzzled, I remembered about the big white dog I had seen a few years before that had ran into the same field and I told my father the story of what I had seen and felt myself a few Summers before.

Copyright 2005 Donald Ryles PhD, Ch

excerpt from "Many, But One"

Below is the Introduction and first chapter of Hidden Secrets of “Many, But One”…see my profile for more information or see www.drryles.com


The book you are now holding and the findings of this book may seem to be an incredible work of fiction but I assure you it is all shockingly quite true . A copy was fully registered and on file with the U.S. Copyright Office 4 years before the events took place…

In 1997 I was guided in what I call “Connected Channeling” to write and then copyright a manuscript. After the September 11th 2001 terror attacks on America I was guided to take a closer look at this book and that is when I found it to contain many startling messages, warnings, and direct connections to the actual plane numbers (11,77,93,175) used in the attacks and what the future would hold following the attacks . These messages were mysteriously numerically encoded into the work itself in a style similar to “Bible Codes”. The messages are too numerous and precise to be considered coincidence as you will find as you read
The book I speak of is known as “Many, But One” and is a collection of primarily rhythmic quatrains of poetry. Some have considered this book as a “Hidden Nostradamus”.
“Hidden Secrets of “Many, But One” is basically 3 books in one that will take you on a 3 part journey. A true , incredible, and sometimes frightening journey. The journey begins with my first contact with the supernatural at a very early age, through my early years of clairvoyance and sometimes bone chilling fear and terror growing up in a “haunted” house, through to the writing of “Many, But One”, and an extremely vivid fairly recent account of physical contact with the unknown.
The journey then continues with the amazing and numerous findings of “Many, But One” described in detail, numerological oddities throughout my own personal life, a very interesting and thought provoking look at the numerous numerology oddities and anomalies connected to Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda, September 11th and 9-11 throughout history, and of course a complete and unchanged copy of the actual poetry collection itself.

I have been asked countless times…What is “Many, But One” and why was it sent? My best and most heartfelt answer is that it was sent through me to help us…all of us… regardless of religion, race, beliefs, etc.. It is meant to be read, enjoyed, studied, and above all heeded. I feel the messages, both hidden and in plain view, are of extreme importance and that many, many more messages and meanings will be found in the pages of “Many, But One”.
I also feel very, very strongly that “Many, But One” is meant to be a journey within itself, individual to each and every person who reads it. A journey of reflection and contemplation. Personal and powerful to each person.



In 2005 I was once again clairvoyantly prompted. This time what I wrote was not guided through me, but I was more in a sense “told” to write and chronicle my life story, at least the paranormal aspect of it. Few people, including my very close friends and family, know much about my experiences, or at least they aren’t aware of the true depth of them. The stories I have written are of course a very condensed version. I have had many, many more unusual events throughout my life, but for the scope of this book, which I feel the primary importance is the messages of “Many, But One”, I have included a few of the more extreme cases.
As I began to recall and write my memories down for the first time in my life, I seemingly reawakened the ghosts and demons of my past. Both figuratively and literally. Paranormal activity around me peaked higher than it had in many years. Many times as I wrote I had a feeling of a strong presence near me. There were also 3 incidents of the front door of my apartment, which is a few feet from the computer I wrote on, flying open extremely violently. To the point of banging into the wall and bouncing back three quarters closed. All 3 times there was no one near the door either inside or outside and the wind outside was dead still. On at least one of those occasions I am quite sure that the door was both locked and hinge latched at the time. Another instance occurred as I was on my evening walk and I saw the back storm door of a house I was passing violently fly open just as I glanced at it. Once again no one was near it and the wind was still.
I also experienced multiple incidents of unexplained electrical and electronic equipment malfunctions and breakdowns. Especially at times when I was working on the book itself (computer, printer, software, etc.). Some cases seemed malicious and designed to slow my process, while at least one was, still to my true amazement, designed to help me.
One of the programs I was using strangely reported that I had made an error in a calculation I had thought I had verified. I redid the calculations 3 times more and every time the program reported back that I was in error. As I began to examine my work more deeply I found a new and very important fact and update concerning “Many, But One” that I had overlooked. Once I found this fact the software returned to normal and showed that my original calculations were indeed correct.

My experiences with the supernatural and paranormal began very early in my life. The first event I can still vividly remember is of being a child of about 3 years old and standing in the kitchen of my Great-Grandmothers’ house one hot summer night.
The rest of my family, by family I mean my mother and father, I am an only child, was in the living room talking to my Great-Grandmother and I had wandered off to explore the house. It was my first time to be at her house and I was always naturally curious. For some reason I was drawn to look out of the window in the top section of the kitchen door. As if I almost felt like something was out there. My eyes were barely high enough to see out as I slowly pulled back the curtain and looked out into the yard. Her house was in a small country town and this was almost 40 years ago so the houses were few and far between and there were few lights at night in small country towns. At first I saw only total darkness, but then suddenly a light caught my eye. It seemed to just appear out of nowhere. As I watched it I realized it wasn’t like anything I had seen before. It seemed to just be a ball of light attached to nothing or no one hovering about 3 feet off of the ground. The ball seemed as if it was going to float through the yard and then into a wooded area behind her house when suddenly it stopped midway through her yard. As I watched it, mesmerized by it, and of course being 3 having no fear or apprehension, only curiosity, it began to float slowly toward the kitchen door. It floated closer and closer to the window, until it was only a few inches from me with only the glass between. I could now see clearly that it was not attached to anyone or anything, but truly was just a ball of medium bright white light about 3-4 inches wide. It floated before me for maybe 15 seconds as if it was looking at me. As if it was as curious about me as I was of it. Then slowly it drifted back to the center of the yard and moved into the woods. As I watched it disappeared into the trees and once again the yard was dark.
Not understanding what had happened, but being very excited about it ,I immediately went into the living room and began to tell everybody what had just happened to me. They all looked at me and smiled as I described how a “ball of light” had come to “visit” me at the kitchen window. They all acted excited about it as you do with a child when they tell you an incredible story, but they of course didn’t believe me. I never forgot what happened that night though.
Years later I found out that my Great-Grandmother had been in the Eastern Star and that my Great-Grandfather, who had passed away before I was born, had been a 33rd degree Freemason. After doing a little research into the beliefs of the Eastern Star and Freemasons I discovered that they believe in the paranormal or supernatural maybe more than most people. I began to think maybe she believed me more than she said that night and just didn’t say anything since at that time my parents had little or no belief in anything supernatural or paranormal.
I only saw my Great-Grandmother a few times in my life but we always seemed to have a very close connection and bond to each other for some reason.
My young years after that night were filled with many paranormal and clairvoyant type events as if maybe the mysterious light had started them to happen in some way or had in some way opened a part of me. Many of the events were fairly minor ones like knowing who was on the telephone when it rang or who was at the door before you open it. Some were of a more major type such as strong intuitive feelings. Such as sensing things I shouldn’t do or places I shouldn’t go. Some of the messages and feelings were of a more major type, but were closely personal so I don’t wish to go into them in this book at this time. Some are still affecting me today as I write this.
By the age of about 9 years old I had lived in 2 rent houses and 2 apartments when my family was finally to settle in a small rent house where we would spend the next 8 years. The first truly permanent place we could call home. We were all overjoyed, especially me. Having lived in 2 different apartments over the last few previous years I was in heaven to be moving into a house with a huge yard to play in, and even bigger field behind the house, and an old horse barn as my private “clubhouse”. The house was located at 1519 _____ Street and we nicknamed it “1519” and called it that from then on.
As we became better acquainted with our new neighbors over time they began to tell us terrible stories of past events that had happened in our new house before we moved in. I heard terrible stories myself, and I’m sure when I wasn’t present my parents were privy to much worse. Stories of the mistreatment and abuse of people and of mistreatment, abuse, and even mass killings of domestic animals within the house.
My parents, as did I at the time, held a view that what happened in the past stayed in the past and that you should “let sleeping dogs lie” so to speak. Since my parents never pursued or verified any of these stories I will not present them or elaborate further on them here. I can however verify one thing. The room that was my bedroom at the time was supposedly the site of many of the events and deeply etched into the ceiling and covered with several layers of paint were strange symbols and cryptic words.
When we moved in and for about the first year all seemed normal but that was about to change. What was to happen one innocent night changed us all forever.

See more at www.drryles.com