Tag Archives: beloved land

Beloved Land…..

Beloved Land…..

The time is here, the time is now,
to rejoice in prayer for our beloved land.
Birthing an idea, not time to recompense,
a place of freedom, no lines in the sand.

An unheard of ideology many dared to wonder,
if this great land would ever be set free.
Loyalists prospered, enjoyed life as it was,
then there were others with new ideas you see.

Being looked down upon for traveling so far,
tired of taxes growing larger each day.
Private meetings were held in a tavern nearby,
a chosen few were anointed to find a new way.

In the dead of night through the Palace Green,
many Patriots quietly scurried about.
Beware of Loyalists, who might speak your plans,
those in the Governor’s Palace stood tall and stout.

Lexington and Concord the most notable battle,
where it all began are marked statues at best.
Colonial Williamsburg should be on your list,
next to Washington D.C., it is better than the rest.

A quaint working village taking you back,
to a place in time, costumed people, you meet.
The past comes alive right before your eyes,
Fife and Drum, Merchants, on shore a fleet.

Rich with history, illuminating our past,
a place for the young and the young at heart.
Enjoy your barbeques, parties and yes, fireworks,
remember for it to remain we must all do our part.

Happy July 4th!

Published in:
“Inside Out, Upside Down and Backwards!”
Written by: Karen Palumbo
6/28/2007 (c) All Rights Reserved