A Predator That Flies Unfettered

(Seeing humanity through the eyes of a Hawk)

Don’t be troubled, vox populi has little
Effect on my cognitive state. Especially
Those bitter words and opinions disgorged
By nosy parkers, tattletales, and rumormongers,
Meant to malign, belittle, slander, and just plain
irritate the recipient.
I have learned from experience to pursue only
What sustains life. And in so doing I can reciprocate
In like fashion to complete a cycle written into the
Fabric of who I am

In this place, life
Beckons on open wings …

Having wandered exotic lands
In search of something inexpressible –
Seeking those gems projected upon
The shifting sands of moldering languor –
Caught betwixt fulfillment and rejection
As curiosity follows the innovatory path –
Where shades of indifference and numbness
Barricade the mind seeking wisdom while it
Penetrates the puzzle of human eccentricity –

Life beckons me to spread my wings …

I will admit
That your way
Is not a highway
To be traveled –
That your way
Is not an example
To be followed –
That your way
Does not echo life
And hope —
As a matter of fact,
Your way leaves
One clawing up cliffs
In desperation seeking
Abandoned eggs in
Small crevices.
Your way quenches
All hope for one
To cling to, and
Your way lessens
Expectation while
Tumefying the ego

It is a test of endurance getting here;
One that challenges the mind and body.
Along jagged granite ramparts which have
Seen unremitting centuries pass before,
I hunt for sustenance that sustains life.
Up here the winds blow freely, and
As the heart opens to potential, within
Those moments when hunger and survival
Join hands in harmony,

I swiftly become
A predator that flies unfettered

Richard Lloyd Cederberg

One thought on “A Predator That Flies Unfettered

  1. This is a marvelous and uniquely written insight. Yes there is much that must seem meaningless to the Hawks and Eagles about humankinds arrogant pursuits. The last phrase cuts to the chase, and sums up both perspectives (human and animal) quite effortlessly. Thanks for telling us about this site.
    Roma and Elwin

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