
There’s always been

that unnamable but familiar

something within you

that I knew was mine.

It stirs interstitially

within my being,

whirling and pulsating

between my tissues,

radiating outward –

magnetically searching

to connect with that part of itself

residing in you.

It seeks completeness

– potentiality fulfilled –

and when you’re too far away

it retreats into the ground of me

patiently waiting to reemerge

in the spring of you.

Now, with your return,

it cautiously but enthusiastically

seeks the surface

responding to warmth of

an unexplainable kinship –

budding ethereally,

burgeoning in its essence,

absorbing all it had missed,

finding wholeness

in you.

© 2008

One thought on “There

  1. “it stirs interstitially”
    (in the small openings between things) (-:
    The writer describing this thing as an ‘it’ somehow graces the mysterious force that is responsible for this union

    “whirling and pulsating”
    these are interesting images in context to the premise. The ethereal and corporeal joining hands to encourage mutualism

    “Magnetically searching”
    tends to draw this reader into the speculations of opposites attracting. That since magnets repel when the same forces are pitted against themselves.

    I also see a metaphor here concerning charismatic personalities finding a place of co-existence where kinship creates gardens that produce tangible blossoms – a place where wisdom and love creates castles and the positive flows out to heal whatever it touches.

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