Dear Readers,
We’ve received countless searches at for current bestselling books. Unfortunately, we can’t place the full text of these books online (that would not only be illegal but immoral). We are trying to contact the author or publishing company for frequently requested books. We would like to post snippets or multiple chapters if possible. Some common searches we’ve received are:
- The Eclipse and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
- Neil Gaiman’s Works
- Harry Potter or other books by J.K. Rowling
- Duma Key by Stephen King
While we have a few participating NY Times Bestsellers, it is very difficult negotiate with publishing houses during the busy launch of a new book. The other interesting trend we notice is searches for books that have not yet made their way to public domain. Some of these examples are below. I would suggest patience…
- Clockwork Orange
- Of Mice and Men
- 1984
- Lord of the Flies
For further information on copyright laws in the US, see Public Domain by Wikipedia. Sorry, but at the moment we can only offer books in the public domain and works from contributors. We are working with publishing houses to bring more current book samples to our readers (look for an announcement in the next week or so).
Thanks everyone!
I love your books I need your adress!!!
looking forward for more information about this. thanks for sharing. Eugene