Welcome Paulo Coelho – Bestselling Author

PublicLiterature.Org is proud to announce it’s newest member, Paulo Coelho. Just to list a few of Mr. Coelho’s major literary accomplishments, I’ll quote his biography page:

“To date, Coelho has sold a total of 100 million copies and, according to the magazine Publishing Trends; he was the most sold author in the world in 2003 with his book Eleven Minutes – even though at the time it hadn’t been released in the United States, Japan or 10 other countries!

Also according to Publishing Trends, The Alchemist was to be found in the 6th place of world sales in 2003. Eleven Minutes topped all lists in the world, except for England, where it was in second place. The Zahir, published in 2005, was in third place of bestsellers according to Publishing Trends, after Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons.

The Alchemist was one of the most important literary phenomena of the 20th century. It reaches the first place in bestselling lists in 18 countries, and so far has sold 30 million copies.”

Paulo Coelho’s Official Homepage

In addition to being a novelist, he is also a lyricist. We look forward to learning more about Mr. Coelho’s latest works.


The Alchemist Warrior of the Light: A Manual

2 thoughts on “Welcome Paulo Coelho – Bestselling Author

  1. I need to know more about his accomplishments every site has the same thing can you send me more.

    Please and thank you!

  2. My advice to all authors is;
    Keep Writing.
    In your case we make an exception.
    Obviously you are very prolific.
    Welcome aboard.
    Everett Beal Rph

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